Retaining Walls

When you’ve needed to significantly excavate areas of your land, it’s important to prevent subsequent landslip. Maybe you need to create a new garden bed in an elevated space, or cut into a sloping section.
CALL EASTSIDE FENCING NOW and discuss your options for the area you have in mind for the construction of a Retaining Wall.
Sleeper Retaining Walls are generally constructed up to 1.2metres high to hold back excess soil around your property, or along your fence line. Eastside Fencing works carefully to regulations to ensure the right amount of strength is achieved. Holes are dug to 300mm in diameter, and are 600mm to1000mm deep – depending on the height of the actual retainer. We’ll then place Galvanised Steel ‘C’ and ‘H’ Channel Uprights at no more than 2.4metres apart, and backfill with 20mpa concrete. Although 200x75mm Treated Pine Sleepers are most commonly used, we’ll be happy to quote on Hardwood or Cypress sleepers, on request. The next stage is to attach black plastic lining is to the back of sleepers, and a 100mm black agi drain may be fitted (if drainage is required).